Service Version& Provides a formal statement of the service capabilities referencing an associated SLD for the functional and non-functional specification. 服务版本&为功能性和非功能性规范提供引用相关SLD的服务功能的正式声明。
Service policies become a critical part of service descriptions, augmenting the basic WSDL functional description with a statement of nonfunctional service behaviors. 服务策略成为服务描述的关键部分,用非功能的服务行为陈述增加了基本的WSDL功能描述。
The final statement for the Operation Service is submitted at the end of the Operation Service Period. 运营服务的最终报表在运营期终结时提交。
They want a general statement of how your product or service will benefit them. 他们希望有一个概括的声明你的产品或服务,将会对他们有好处。
Declaration of server: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing information contained in the return of service and statement of service fees is true and correct. 送达人声明:根据美国法律有关伪证罪的规定,本人声明前述包含于送达回执和送达费用声明中的信息是真实和正确的。
With our mission statement of "customer first, integrity-based, win-win", we are dedicated to providing you with excellent products and service. 公司以“客户第一、诚信为本、共赢共生”的经营宗旨,热诚为您提供优质的产品和服务。
Statement of Principles and Aims of Civil Service Remuneration 公务员薪酬原则及目标声明
On the basis of the statement of law service promises made by China and internation, the article analyzes Chinese law service promise. 文章在阐述中国及国际法律服务承诺的基础上,对照部分国家法律服务市场开放现状,分析了中国法律服务承诺。
The paper makes an overall statement of current situation and countermeasure for the forecast techniques of China's geology disaster and tries to provides a good service for our country's forecast in geology disaster. 对我国地质灾害特点预测预报技术现状以及对策进行了全面综述,力求为地质灾害的预测预报提供服务。
On Civil Liability of False Statement of Professional Service Agency 专业中介服务机构虚假陈述民事责任研究
The traditional statement of the police duty has hindered the development of the police work objectively. So the police duty should be understood in the following three aspects: the duty of protecting and giving service; 对警察的职责的传统表述客观上阻碍了警务发展,应从三个方面加以理解:保护、服务的职责;
As the direct communication channel between bank and customer, statement means far more beyond the function for reconciliation. Statement somehow reflects the level of bank customer service. 而账单作为银行与客户之间沟通的直接渠道,其意义远远超出其本身的对账功能,在一定程度上反映了银行的客户管理水平。
The statement of "public service", which is the implementation goal of our government, indicates that our government will comprehensively establish the public service system adapting to the socialist market economy under clearer instruction and by more open vision. 公共服务概念和实施目标的提出,表明我国政府将以更加开阔的视野,全面系统地建立与社会主义市场经济发展相适应的公共服务体系。
The thesis is divided into six chapters: The first chapter is about the research background, significance and overall statement of venture capital industry and modern service industry home and abroad. 全文共分六个部分:第一章论述了本文的研究背景和意义,并对风险投资和现代服务业的国内外研究现状进行了综述。